Aamion Goodwin

I was lucky enough to see Aamion surf my local while he was embarking on his worldwide adventure filming with his family. This guy shreds and is one of the most stylish guys in the water. His website has incredible artwork, photography and stories of his travels around the world.  To see more of my favourite website click  Here

Swellnet Sessions

This photo recently made "Wave of the day" on Swellnet's website. One of many slabs that were captured from this session. Rob "Rodent" Coote navigating through a wide liquid cavern.
See the rest of the shots Here.


Sorry about the lack of posting lately, I've been shooting heaps since I have been out with my hand injury ( which involved 2 surgeries!) and haven't had the chance to do anything. I've updated a new look to start off with and now I'll have a bunch of new stuff to send your way. Enjoy